Sunday, 21 August 2016

Seasons of Pakistan

Pakistani Weather - Seasons of Pakistan

"Seasons of Pakistan"


Autumn is different from other seasons. It comes after winter and ends up in March.
it comes for three months .It also known as FALLING season.


Spring is the most amazing and colorful season. It comes in the March and ends up in the May. It also comes for three months. In Spring season every plant start grow specially the flowers. People plants flowers in their homes. When spring comes, the fragrance of the flowers spread everywhere. that make everyone happy. In Spring season many flowers exhibitions held in the gardens by the government and lakes decorated by the government as well. Larg number of people go out side to visit these exhibitions and enjoy the decorated and colorful lakes. Mostly people like to wear colorful dresses in Spring. A special event named 'Basant' held in Pakistan just in Spring season.


Summer is the hot season.  It comes in May and the end of the September it goes. It comes for the long time. When it comes the days become longer compare to the other days. It is the hottest season. Because of the hotness, government of Pakistan gives special holidays to all students that called 'Summer Vacations'. In Summer season many people visit water parks. Pakistani people used to go to the lakes in Summer and take ice creams and shakes. Mango and Water malon are the special fruits of Summer.


Winter is the coolest season. When it comes it carries cold winds himself. Because of the cool winds people wear warm suits in Winter. In Winter people used to take tea and coffeeIn Winter the days become shorter and the night become longer. In Winter the mountainous area of Pakistan covered with the snow. Mostly people like to visit the mountainous areas because of the snow falling.

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